I won't be cooking or baking in the near future. Something is now wrong with my right thumb joint and I cannot bend it at all. When I try sharp pains shoot through it. Another thing I took for granted! It's amazing how often we bend our thumbs even in the slightest ways to accomplish everyday tasks. Can't hold a knife properly to cut anything. Good thing we still have Grandma's trusty automatic can opener so I can still eat! :) Doctor at school couldn't help me so he's sent me off to the ER to get it tested for an infection in the joint. I really should start looking into insurance. My body doesn't seem to be holding up well!
About 7 hours later I'm told it is a ganglion cyst and I see a hand specialist on Thursday. I just want the pressure and swelling to go down now though. Advil will be my friend for a few days.
Thursday evening I'm told there is calcification in the bump. If it doesn't heal itself in 3 weeks, the doctor will cut it out.